Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Cheena Commentator
Caught my first life nba match on sunday, houston rockets vs the indiana pacers. Got cheapo (US$17) seats so they were obviously sucky but those buggers (yao ming is 226!) being so big so won't be as bad as soccer.... Another crapo thing is that when someone in front of u leans forwards, ur view tio blocked so lan lan also gotta lead forward and block the joker behind u. I dun geddit if no one lean forward then everything bu jiu ok lor? Anyways, the match wasn't tat entertaining, dun c ppl making dunks and drive to the basket, though I must admit those guys are really quite zun when no one in front. But then again, if I'm paid big buckaroos to be a pro player they muz haf at least a little substance. The most buay loon part of the night were the 2 techincal experts hailing from the land of the dragon. Those knn 2 dorks were making comments all match long about when to pass to yao ming, how he shd attack the basket, blah blah blah.... until I really cannot take it. Almost wanted to turn back and ask them to stfu but being the politically correct guy, I loonded and the best I could do was to lean forward and try to block their views!! Haha, juvenile but those blokes are the limit when it comes to commentating. Gawd, why got some jokers bloody keep their comments to themself. If u goot, go join nba as a player or coach lah. duh...
Now for some more non-irritating stuffs, tomorrow lim peh going to big apple liao!! woot! Can't wait to go see the greatest city on earth. Been checking out the scene there (i v suaku dunno who the top dj so need to research quite a bit) and bloody still can't make up my mind. But if all goes well, me and johno should be out partying tomorrow night! hehe.... updates next week when I'm back!!
Now for some more non-irritating stuffs, tomorrow lim peh going to big apple liao!! woot! Can't wait to go see the greatest city on earth. Been checking out the scene there (i v suaku dunno who the top dj so need to research quite a bit) and bloody still can't make up my mind. But if all goes well, me and johno should be out partying tomorrow night! hehe.... updates next week when I'm back!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I did it!!
I'm back from my first winter run!! Since yesterday temperatures finally dipped below freezing point, in fact it's now -3 degrees celsius outside. After deliberating the whole afternoon, when I came back to the apartment I just told myself screw it, changed into a tracksuit and went running on the streets. It was tough breathing the cold air into your lungs when one is running, but being the cold definitely made me go faster than usual, you'd just do it to keep ur ass warm!! Didn't clock too much mileage basically I think I only did 2.4k but it was trying given that I've never been such cold weather before. My bloody ears are still throbbing in pain, next time gonna wear my beanie when I do it again to keep those darn ears warm. Think I need 10 weeks to recover from today's exertion! :P
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Ears ears, where art thou?
Today has to be the coldest (and windiest) day since I've arrived in indy, freaking couldn't walk in a straight line without some effort. It was mighty bloody cold as well, and guess what it's only gonna get much worse. Ji bai dua kee liao... Sometimes one can be out in the cold for only a short moment and knn ears pain liao, I just hope they'll stay where they should be. It was also cold enuf today to see little snow flurries in the air, it's not 'real' snow per se but sort of a prelude to the winter snow....
Got one thing make me freaking dulan, all my applications for credit cards kenna reject!! The most freaking stupid one is my application to citibank kenna turned down and dammit lim peh oreadi got cc from citibank singapore. Down here in the states get cc need credit history, cmon lor where the hell got credit history when you're new here. Everybody has to start somewhere mah, as long as you can show you got employment should be ok liao. I sent an email to citibank singapore to kao peh and they said they could send me a letter of reference citing my credit worthiness, let's hope this doesn't take too long and it will work.
Got one thing make me freaking dulan, all my applications for credit cards kenna reject!! The most freaking stupid one is my application to citibank kenna turned down and dammit lim peh oreadi got cc from citibank singapore. Down here in the states get cc need credit history, cmon lor where the hell got credit history when you're new here. Everybody has to start somewhere mah, as long as you can show you got employment should be ok liao. I sent an email to citibank singapore to kao peh and they said they could send me a letter of reference citing my credit worthiness, let's hope this doesn't take too long and it will work.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Run for life!!
Was slacking on the couch having dinner and watching 'The Biggest Loser', suddenly there were 3 loud beeps and across the tv screen the words 'Tornado Watch' was flashing, after which they showed all the counties that was in danger of tornadoes and ours was one of them! John and I immediately started packing our important documents and put them all in our bags ready to leave. John shut down his laptop and prepared for takeoff.... Well, at this juncture after packing my stuff I went to surf a bit for more info and found out that a tornado watch is not as serious as a tornado warning. After a couple of minutes we kinda steadied ourselves and started laughing, to think we almost wanted to set up a detail for sentry duty! Knn, I wonder what would have happened if really got tornado warning, cb sure panic until peng one. So for those of you who are in singapore, count ur blessing that you have no natural disasters to worry about. Whatever it is, I think it's still scary to some extent a tornado 2 weeks back killed 23 in their sleep in southern indiana. I have to admit it's a little to close for comfort...
Back on the homefront grandpa's at home now and recovering fine from his recent hospital stay. I'm glad everything turned out just fine, it's a big relief. We were supposed to view a car last saturday but as it turned out the car got sold before we could make a move. I did remind john to call up the seller to reserve the car but unfortunately the cell phone number was wrong and the next day when we got in touch with her the car was sold! Damn it was a good deal for a minivan costing just 900 buckaroos and not in too bad shape. Oh well, we'll just look out for the next good deal that comes along....
Last weekend was out at a pub called 'That Place in Greenwood' in greenwood(bummer!) listening to some band called The Flying Toasters. They were pretty good except that I didn't know more than half the songs!! It was kinda surreal being there, we were sorta young there the mean age is like 40+. The scene was was one watches in american movies, and now we're part of the movie! I guess it was pretty cool to see those auntie uncle some even ah gong ah ma hit the dance floor and basically just have a good time. I certainly hope I can be like that when I'm older.
Saturday and sunday were spent bumming in front of the pc and tv, basically pa game and watch tv until luan. One of the tv programs that caught my attention was the Hawaii Ironman competition, the Hawaii Ironman does what the Boston marathon does for marathons, it is the Ironman to be at. For the uninitiated, an Ironman is an 'expanded' triatlon consisting of a 2.4-mile ocean swim, 112-mile bike race and 26.2-mile run. Obviously any one of those items alone would take the wind of us mere mortals. I'm still planning to do a half marathon and then a full one. Been slowly trying to increase my mileage weekly, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I don't get injured or something.
The most stiking thing about the ironman was that they sort of featured 3 special athletes, the first one was afflicted with ALS, a disease which basically leaves him unable to use his left arm. The second featured athlete had a prostetic right foot, she didn't make the cutoff time for the marathon last year and it was heart wrenching to see her in tears and being heartbroken on tv during last year's race. Hold your breath cos the last guy featured is an 80 yr old grandfather! I think I really gotta hand it to these folks for the spirit and determination they've showed. When you see them cross the finishing line, it can bring a tear to your eye. On a side note, last year's man champion was really sway, he had not one but two flat tires during the cycling phase and lost a lot of time with the first flat. During the second flat, he lost it and broke down, saying 'it's over, i have no more power left'.... I guess one does need some luck to win a competition.
The internet connection's sort of unstable of late and I'm feeling lazy to update the blog anyways so I'll be putting up a link to John's blog, he uploads pictures more frequently and whatever he does I should be there too so dun really need to double post bah. Going off to the big apple and boston from 23rd to 28th so watch out for more updates.....
Back on the homefront grandpa's at home now and recovering fine from his recent hospital stay. I'm glad everything turned out just fine, it's a big relief. We were supposed to view a car last saturday but as it turned out the car got sold before we could make a move. I did remind john to call up the seller to reserve the car but unfortunately the cell phone number was wrong and the next day when we got in touch with her the car was sold! Damn it was a good deal for a minivan costing just 900 buckaroos and not in too bad shape. Oh well, we'll just look out for the next good deal that comes along....
Last weekend was out at a pub called 'That Place in Greenwood' in greenwood(bummer!) listening to some band called The Flying Toasters. They were pretty good except that I didn't know more than half the songs!! It was kinda surreal being there, we were sorta young there the mean age is like 40+. The scene was was one watches in american movies, and now we're part of the movie! I guess it was pretty cool to see those auntie uncle some even ah gong ah ma hit the dance floor and basically just have a good time. I certainly hope I can be like that when I'm older.
Saturday and sunday were spent bumming in front of the pc and tv, basically pa game and watch tv until luan. One of the tv programs that caught my attention was the Hawaii Ironman competition, the Hawaii Ironman does what the Boston marathon does for marathons, it is the Ironman to be at. For the uninitiated, an Ironman is an 'expanded' triatlon consisting of a 2.4-mile ocean swim, 112-mile bike race and 26.2-mile run. Obviously any one of those items alone would take the wind of us mere mortals. I'm still planning to do a half marathon and then a full one. Been slowly trying to increase my mileage weekly, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I don't get injured or something.
The most stiking thing about the ironman was that they sort of featured 3 special athletes, the first one was afflicted with ALS, a disease which basically leaves him unable to use his left arm. The second featured athlete had a prostetic right foot, she didn't make the cutoff time for the marathon last year and it was heart wrenching to see her in tears and being heartbroken on tv during last year's race. Hold your breath cos the last guy featured is an 80 yr old grandfather! I think I really gotta hand it to these folks for the spirit and determination they've showed. When you see them cross the finishing line, it can bring a tear to your eye. On a side note, last year's man champion was really sway, he had not one but two flat tires during the cycling phase and lost a lot of time with the first flat. During the second flat, he lost it and broke down, saying 'it's over, i have no more power left'.... I guess one does need some luck to win a competition.
The internet connection's sort of unstable of late and I'm feeling lazy to update the blog anyways so I'll be putting up a link to John's blog, he uploads pictures more frequently and whatever he does I should be there too so dun really need to double post bah. Going off to the big apple and boston from 23rd to 28th so watch out for more updates.....
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Been calling home daily these few days, grandpa out of ICU and in normal ward. He should be out by Sat according to the doc, it's a huge load off my mind. Getting busier with work, more studies on hand now. Will be going to go some go-karting this evening and viewing a car this coming weekend.