Thursday, November 17, 2005

I did it!!

I'm back from my first winter run!! Since yesterday temperatures finally dipped below freezing point, in fact it's now -3 degrees celsius outside. After deliberating the whole afternoon, when I came back to the apartment I just told myself screw it, changed into a tracksuit and went running on the streets. It was tough breathing the cold air into your lungs when one is running, but being the cold definitely made me go faster than usual, you'd just do it to keep ur ass warm!! Didn't clock too much mileage basically I think I only did 2.4k but it was trying given that I've never been such cold weather before. My bloody ears are still throbbing in pain, next time gonna wear my beanie when I do it again to keep those darn ears warm. Think I need 10 weeks to recover from today's exertion! :P


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