Thursday, May 19, 2005

The end of an era.....

Caught star wars ep 3 last night, I must say that it's pretty good after being dissapointed with episode 2. Some of the blanks of past sw eps were filled in and it's kinda sad to know that there'll be no eps 7,8 and 9 to look forward to. :( Anyway, I think ep 3 has just about the most light sabre fighting scenes in all the SW movies but I thought it was strange that count dooku lost so easily to anakin and that general grevious with his 4(!) light sabres wasn't much of a fight for obi-wan kenobi. Ep 3 is probably the darkest of all the sw movies as it shows us how palpatine seduces anakin to the dark side. On another perspective, it suddenly occured to me that the jedi way seemed sort of influenced by Buddhist teaching(is lucas a buddhist?), over the course of the movie one hears much about pain, suffering and letting go. I pretty liked what yoda mentioned to a troubled anakin who has dreams of padme dying in childbirth, "You must learn to let go of what you're most afraid of losing." Some friends also jokingly mentioned that women is the root of all evil, the are they reason why one joins the "dark" side. Kind of funny but it's probably true in its own way after seeing how some friends have changed after bad breakups. SW ep 4 debuted in 1977 a year before I was born, ep3 does not dissapoint and a befitting end to the saga known as star wars. May the force be with you.