Woes of being in a nanny state
After a few weeks of hot air and bsing, it turns out that the so called presidential elections will be another walkover! This 'election' thingy is really is joke, why does there need to be such extensive screening and having rules such as being the CEO of a company of company worth 100mil before you are deemed capable of running for presidency. I wonder how many of our dear politicians fits the bill themselves. The whole idea of an election is to let the people choose and not take them for idiots and tell them who can be chosen and who's not eligible. Such is the state of political affairs here. I think we're better off just going back to the old system of the cabinet choosing the president, this election thing is trying to make fools of us all. BTW, ever since I've come of legal age to vote, I haven't had a single chance to vote due to the walkovers we have in cheng san grc for the last few GE's. I'm only waiting to see when hougang avenue 8 becomes demarcated as part of marine parade, after all serangoon north (about 1 street away) is already part of marine parade grc. *infinite eye rolls*
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